Q & A for parents

Some details for your first visit.

Here you'll find most of the information you'll need for your first. If any questions are still unanswered, feel free ask using the feedback page.

  1. How to get to Pilani?
  2. Where to stay, how much will it cost?
  3. Where to buy things from?
  4. Where to eat?
  1. How to get to Pilani?

    Travelling by car/taxi from Delhi: Distance is 200 or 220 km depending on route taken and takes about 4.5 hours. There are two routes to get there (in order of preference)

    • Delhi-Gurgaon-Dharuheda-Rewari-Narnaul-Singhana-Chirawa-Pilani.  This is a new road, smooth and almost two lanes and a shade more!!!! Highly recommended if anyone is planning to drive down. Be sure to stop for some outstanding tea on the way. 

    • Delhi-Rohtak-Bhiwani-Loharu-Pilani. Not recommended. In January 2003, visitors to Pilani wrote that the road is as bad as ever, but the Loharu-Pilani section has improved tremendously.


    Travelling by bus from Delhi: In case you prefer to travel by public transport, you  need to catch a bus at the Inter State Bus Terminal (ISBT), Kashmiri Gate, Delhi. There are frequent buses to Pilani starting from Delhi around 5:30 AM to 10:30 PM.

    Travelling by train from Delhi:

    Bikaner Express: This train starts from Delhi and goes to Bikaner daily. You need to board the train at Sarai Rohilla Station, Delhi. The train starts around 8:50 and reaches Loharu at 12:30. You need to get down at Loharu (26 km from Pilani)

    Bikaner Mail:This train starts from Delhi and goes to Bikaner daily. You need to board the train at Sarai Rohilla Station, Delhi. The train starts around 21:15 and reaches Loharu at 1:15.

    Shekawathi Express:This train starts from Delhi and goes to Bikaner daily. You need to board the train at Sarai Rohilla Station, Delhi. The train starts around 23:00 and reaches Loharu at 3:10.

    See train route map

    Travelling by car/taxi from Jaipur: Distance is 250 km and takes about 5 hrs. Route is Jaipur-Chomu-Reengas-Sikar-Nawalgarh-Jhunjhunu-Chirawa-Pilani. T

    Taxi information: Rates are similar to Delhi. Recommended taxi service [awaited]

    Travelling by bus from Jaipur: In case you prefer to travel by public transport, you need to catch a bus from the State Bus Terminal (Sindhi Camp), Jaipur. There are frequent buses to Pilani starting from Jaipur around 4:00 AM till mid-night.

    Travelling by train from Jaipur: Train from Jaipur to Chirawa (16 km from Pilani) or Loharu (26 km from Pilani). See train route map

    Some Important Maps: See road maps of Rajasthan, Haryana and Jhunjhunu

  2. Where to stay, how much will it cost?
    Unfortunately Pilani is not exactly a tourist hotspot, so unless you are lucky enough to get a room in VFAST (the college guest house), you'll probably end up living in your child's room. In case you opt for it, the college will provide mattresses for rent (as always, at low cost), so your kid can sleep comfortably on the floor of his new home for a few days. The room will probably have one more student (and his family), so I'd advise only 1 parent accompany the student, but thats only advice. For some detailed information regarding the room, refer the students guide

    Regarding VFAST - the BITS Guest House:  (Jan 2003 information) The best accomodations at Pilani are at the new VFAST (Visiting Faculty, Alumni, Students Transit Hostel). It has more than 40 double bed air conditioned/air cooled rooms - and excellent heaters for cold Pilani winters. Advance bookings can be made on request addressed to the Chief, Public Relations Unit ,BITS, Pilani. Information on rates follows:

    Description Rate Comment
    Double room Rs 700* A/c, Heater, Geyser in an attached loo. Phone as well in the room. No TV. Clean and nice.
    Double Room Rs 400* Cooler

    *25% discount on these rates for students, their parents, and BITSAA members..

    VFAST Hostel Phone No. +91-1596-242183.  Ex-BITSIANS Students said the guest house does not appear to take phone reservations. Ex-Bitsians get a 25% discount if you are part of the alumni network and trudge to RK Mittal's office and stand outside and wait for him, get a form signed and bring it back to the Guest House, during working hours only.  Oh yes, one has to put the ID No. at the guest house registration desk

  3. Where to buy things from?
    You'll get all your groceries at (slightly) discounted rates in Akshay (BITS coop) supermarket, its good enough for most things. But here are a few important exceptions:
    1. mattresses : Especially for the cheaper cotton mattresses, definitely check in C'not/Connaught, you'll probably get a better deal. But you may also want to bring this from home if you want something special. What you'll get here are plain cotton mattresses, and foam mattresses (the cheap kind).
    2. Sim cards : Last year I bought mine at Akshay for Rs. 500, when I could have got the same thing for Rs. 300 at C'not. Don't buy your sim before coming here (even if you live in Rajasthan) because you're likely to get much better 'campus plans' here.
    3. Books : You'll find plenty of seniors (even me ;P) selling their old books. I would advise buyinng from them because (unlike us) old books don't lose their memory. And more importantly it saves everybody money. So keep the tradition alive!
    Also there are a few things you should definitely try to buy before you come here. They are :
    1. Mobile handset : Everyone here has a mobile, so don't wait till you get here to buy one. You'll get a much better selection as well as price in any big city, so better get your handset from home.
    2. Clothes and Footwear: Don't expect any decent selection here. Bring it all with you, or wait till your next trip home.
    3. Set of duplicate keys : I don't know if there's someone to make them here, so better come prepared. And believe me, knowing that you have a spare can (and will) prevent lots of needless tension.
  4. Where to eat?
    Surprisingly, there's plenty to eat in Pilani, and you can get it everywhere. For you enthusiastic parents, there's always the students mess, where you can taste the most "popular" food in Pilani... But if its too much too soon, you can always try VFAST (but you'll have to pre-book), or one of the many restaurants in C'not, or even in one of the dhabas outside campus. VFAST will be the most hygenic, by far.

Still have questions? Drop me a message here, I always reply. And do leave some comments before you leave!

Deepak Joy
Last updated on January 17, 2010